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    CAMPIMETRY (Lat. Campus - field + Gr. Metreo - measure) - a group of methods for the investigation of the central and paracentral (up to 30) parts of the Visual Field (VF)  on a plane surface (campimeter), on the computer's monitor screen, etc.

    Campimetry was introduced by A. Graefe in 1855 for clinical applications and, now, it is an effective method of diagnostics (including early, differential), prognosis and treatment control of the diseases of the retina, optic nerve and pathways of the Visual System (VS), CNS lesions.

    The way of the defects detection in the Central Part of VF (CPVF), adjacent to the optic nerve head (including angioscotomas) was developed by J. Bierrum) in 1880-th. He had also composed the first atlas of characteristic pathological changes of VF.

    The evolution of the campimetry methods is supposed  to be  divided into three stages:

    The last stage differs by the large variety of the approaches to the CPVF investigation, using color filters; multiflash campimetry; ring (high-pass resolution) campimetry; peripheral displacement thresholds; pattern resolution campimetry; white noise campimetry; peripheral color contrast; color campimetry; an equalizing on the subjective luminance; motion sensitivity, etc.

    In medicine the campimetry is used for a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of a degree of damage of visual functions, determination of a level and localization of pathological processes in the VS, evaluation of a dynamics of treatment  (surgical, pharmaceutical, physiotherapeutical,  etc.).

    In physiology of vision the campimetry is applied to investigate mechanisms of operation of  the various levels of the VS, including space and temporary summation, contrast sensitivity, color vision.

    In ophthalmoergonomics the campimetry was included in a complex of methods for a research of the eyestrain, as well as in the investigation of dynamics of light and color sensitivity for the light filters and optical correction, and the influence of a psychological and mechanical overloads, etc.

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